Monday, May 19, 2014

Show me how to live

You can see the past,  and live in the now but that queasy feeling you get about the future can hold your mind in an illustrious stupor. Wondering, hoping , wanting and planning for something you know nothing about. The truth of these matters can imprison our thoughts and lives. "What will happen if I do this?" "Can I recover if I go left instead of right?" Its these moments that can define or diminish our futures.

We are all wondering through life doing what we want, but what about when that could have been handled differently? When in fact you should have zigged instead of zagged. When you know you should have said Yes instead of no but the moment has passed and you are now faced with decisions that wouldn't even exist. That is the most mind-blowingest shit ever. To have to think of what could be instead of what is. 

I spend a lot of time in my thoughts and always trying to escape the grips of what is and what should be. I wish we were given at least a thirty second flash of the consequence before any major decision is made. That'd be great. It would only play once and no rewinds. That would eliminate so much of the fuckery that takes place in our lives.

Mystery is cool but I prefer a more structured approach. Life is Chess not Checkers, and who has the time to try and figure out so much? People and their ways, what career is perfect for you, when and where to be at a precise time. I don't want to see it all , just some of it. 

I live in a fantasy world and I know that this cannot and will not ever be an option , but If I can challenge myself a little harder to be steadfast in my approach to this never ending roller coaster I can and will be able to lay a few bricks ahead of me before I step out on the road. 

Gold Bird


  1. This is just my opinion, take it or leave it, but by concentrating on the present, along with the goal you want to reach, you never have to guess what direction that should be taken. I don't do so well at it sometimes, but I can always begin again. It keeps life interesting...

  2. Wow.
    I feel you in this yet in doing so you limit yourself.
    Time flows and you should as well.
    Become the all.
    I don't mean just the human.
    I mean the all
    The past and present as well as the future.
    The tree as well as the dirt.
    It is all you empress.
    Embrace it
