Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Urban Warfare, the expiration of the Black Male

Everyday I log on to my Facebook and see R.I.P to someone. Now these "someones" I rarely know by face and some I know from passing. Its sad because maybe they were gonna be someone I'd recognize, or be someone great or maybe not. I just know that the crimes more senseless by the day.  Now if you look at someone wrong or embarrass a person in front of their peers its a death sentence. I have brothers , cousins and a nephew that I worry about constantly.

 I see the pics of these young men and sometimes women with their babies and wifeys and its like they really didn't even get to enjoy it. Most people will say that because of the lifestyle they live you should just expect them to expire before twenty-five. No one says that about eighteen year olds fighting in wars , killing innocent women and children.

I'm scared for the generations that I wont get to see. They are doomed, especially the black male. They know nothing but "Pride" and it always comes before destruction. No one is talking to them or listening for that matter. We are eradicating our most sought after resource: Life Makers. The black men don't even know how priceless they are because no one tells them so, no one convinces them that they are great! We need more black men giving examples instead of turning the other cheek and filling their closets with shirts with their nephews, friends and sons.  Say something! Do Something! Help these young men help themselves, Spend time with them if you know their own Dads aren't present.  Help preserve us.

If they only knew what they're doing to their mothers, sisters and all of the women who love them. The babies are being orphaned before they even learn Daddy's real name. The only memory they will have of them is what people can tell them, if they can remember. Mothers and Fathers are not supposed to out live their children, ITS UN NATURAL. I wish there were more people willing to reach out and help.

I might get to see it I might not but I will be more than ecstatic to scroll through my newsfeed and not see another child being laid to rest.

Gold Bird


  1. It's so sad. I worry for my sons daily. They are good men, I want to believe because I was there, but others weren't raised like I raised them. I thought if I raised them right I'd be contributing to society, but I see now that more is required.

    John Melton

  2. This is so true....it's sad to see all these young people dying. And those responsible are just as young....throwing their entire life away!!! And for what, to prove a point, or a few measly dollars!!!!

  3. We just need to band together John Melton!

  4. Yes that is so true Ashley....I wish there was a crystal ball to show them their future and maybe they would think twice about their actions...

  5. Its terrifying out here. Im a single mom of 3. My oldest son is 19 and I have an 12 year old son. My daughter is 6 and she is a cancer SURVIVOR. In my world one would imagine my greatest threat is cancer. I worry more about my sons. With the cancer we have identified the enemy and my angel has been in remission since 2011. But with my sons the enemy seems to amongst us. Its a shame that I'm afraid to let my kids stray too far because of fear.
