Friday, February 14, 2014

Finding your Elephant

I was texting my sister this morning and since she's moved to what seems like the other side of the world, Our conversations have become more random and more memorable. She and my sister-in-law have been together for a decade and of course by it being Valentine's Day I was gloating on their love. I told her that I think it's sweet how Suzy still romances her after all these years, and she said she couldn't imagine herself with anyone else. 

Love like that lasts through many'a Valentine's Days, sick days I cant stand you sometimes but if anyone fukked with you I'd kill 'em days. It's very rare that people actually ever find their one true love. The one that lasts through EVERYTHING. That's my sister so I've been along for the ride. They are elephants. They have found their mate for life. It means a lot to be able to share every moment, every thought and idea with ONE PERSON.  

I think that the only way you'll ever find that is to be honest with yourself, honest with your mate and be able to love another human as much as you love yourself (that's deep). If I cant tell you everything. You're not my elephant. If you aren't willing to do the same. Not for me. I've seen these two go through things I may have walked out on, because I have. They are my favorite love to reference when I think of what I want in an elephant. 

I'ts Valentine's Day so Ive been a bit mushy all day, but for good reason. (wink). I can't think of a better couple to celebrate but my Sister and Suzy. 

If you have a giraffe or a pig, trade 'em in for an elephant. 

Gold Bird


  1. A love like that is truly rare indeed. All people, whether gay or straight, bi or pan sexual, are looking for a love like that. But why is it hardly ever found? People don't actually love the person, they fall head over heels offer their "idea" of that person. Their perception of that person. When love expressed in that way, it becomes not only a source of contempt when it all falls apart, but fuel for revenge against their "love" on the next poor soul they convince to be in a relationship. Too many people treat love as a game, something to be won. Love is so much more than that I believe.

    1. Its hardly ever found because people expect all love to go by this made up idea of love instead of what they want in a love... I believe in honesty, I believe in passion. I believe in Id live in a cardboard box with you if you make me feel enthusiastic about life and feeling loved. Everyone knows that one feeling when they think they love someone, but imagine having that same feeling everytime you look at them or kiss them. People dont know what the fuck love is these days.

  2. Love like this is hard to find considering so many people play games and aren't willing to work at a relationship!!! Once is get a little rough they leave. I truely believe I've found my "elephant", me and Russell have been together for almost 11 years now!!!!! We have helped and stood next to each the whole time and I know it will be the same for many years to come!!!!!

  3. I can always tell by how couples look at each other if they really love each other. I seen that with you and Russell that day I met him and that was only once Ashley. I think love is so fukkin cool... What better thing to have in life than a best friend you can fuck?

  4. My elephant, my dearest friend, my Suzy. Our love stretches beyond terms of endearment. One will say most anything if some fool somewhere will listen. Past social acceptance. As an interracial lesbian couple we regretfully acknowledge that things will always be a little bit different for us. Our history is a combination of all things mentioned and more,rolled up into one ELEPHANT sized poop. It isn't the amount of time we've been together not hardly the triumphs we've made together nor the failures we've learned to accept. It's good old fashioned untainted uncommercialized no mark up love that has allowed me to walk talk and most Importantly enjoy my elephant. I don't expect the love of my life to stop living to be with me. I have never expected the human being that I'm with to be anything more than a human being. You see.... The moment you try to mold and make someone be act think and do as you..... You no longer have an elephant. You now have a clone of yourself and if we wanted to be with ourselves we wouldn't spend our whole lives searching Elephant to love.

  5. My one and only favorite loves....I learn so much from yall....Its my duty to appreciate it and share it with the world.
