So I had ranted on Facebook about people not supporting and sharing local people who are trying to excel and it made me feel some type of way! (Insert ratchet neck roll) I felt that way because I have been doing many things in my fields (fashion, modeling, eyelashes and such) and I had noticed that the people I thought were in my corner and wanted me to succeed would help me along...Not true. So I wanted to highlight people who I admire and respect in my blog. From here on out I am going to try to bring y'all (I'm from the Midwest) a new face and a new grind every week.
First up is Miss. Amber Michelle Harper. I met her back in the summer after much contemplating on a septum piercing. I have several tattoos and piercings but had never had any work done by a female before and wanted to experience that. I had seen a photoshoot she had done with one of my really good friends Sharmaine "PBPIX" Cooper who yal will get to meet another day, so I contacted her via Facebook and the rest is "her"story. I have trusted her to pierce my body and she has now trusted me to tell a little of her story.
Ladies and Gents....
GB: How long have you been a professional piercer and what made you choose this career?
AMH: I have been a professional piercer for one year and two months (not including the time I spent in my apprenticeship). What got me into it was art. I've always been into all types of art, and the way being in the tattoo studio made me feel was motivating. I started drawing more and wanting to be around tattoo artists more so I began to search for piercing apprenticeships. I finally found one, after proving my dedication to learning an amazing piercer by the name of Bradd Collins took me in and showed me the ropes. I completely fell in love with everything about body modification.
GB: Are you originally from Indianapolis?
AMH: Yes I am.
GB:Who is your inspiration, and what keeps you going from day-to-day as an entrepreneur?
AMH: Freedom. Freedom is my undeniable passion. Creativity. My desire to give this world what I have. When I am not using my gifts or my talents I feel caged. There are so many things I that I can do, that my determination to show them each one of my capabilities wont allow me to keep still. I know that if I exist, I can do it. In addition, an incredible man that I know by the name of Amani Tre Niner. He has become like a Sensei to me. The respect his presence commands, and the undying commitment he puts into his crafts are extremely inspirational to me! He's like a master at everything! Lol, I swear his talents have no limits, he believes and supports me unlike anyone I've known in this life of mine. So watching him create such phenomenal artwork and music , and work so hard to perfect everything he touches inspire me to be like that if not better. (If that's even
GB: I see you play guitar and sing. Do you have any shows coming up that you'd like to tell my readers about?
AMH: YES! My first love is music. Sometimes I feel like God created a liquid form of music, put it in my veins and called it "blood". Music is MINE. What I mean by that is , music is my art. It is whatever I want it to be, however I want it to sound and feel. I can play my guitar and sing a song that takes you to whatever you're feeling or atmosphere I want you to be in. Self expression is HUGE to me, and to be able to do that by crating a bunch of different sounds where there was nothing before, and share that with people, AND they just so happen to enjoy it? That's amazing. To answer your question (sorry,lol), yes! I have a show coming up February 16th at the Caribbean Village.
GB: If you could meet anyone , dead or alive and have an hour conversation with them... Who would that be?
AMH: I was going to say a very famous producer, but I'm sure I will get that opportunity in time... so Im going to say my grandmother, my fathers mother. She passed when I was nine years old so I wasn't around her a lot, so I haven't very many memories. I hear that she was a very wise and loving woman!
GB: What do you want people to remember about AMH once she leaves this earth?
AMH: My heart, and my voice.
Well there you have it guys , the lovely and talented Amber Michelle Harper. She can be found at Body Animations 6729 E. 38th Street Indianapolis , Indiana 46226
On Facebook :Amber Michelle Harper
On Instagram: @iam_amichelle
Phone/ Text: 317-918-9003