Monday, February 24, 2014

Such a shame people become such fragile things.

I have mentioned before that I'm a hairstylist and I get to meet a lot of people from all walks of life. I will be forever grateful for that because it has made me a seasoned professional  on judging people. Yes I said judging, because it is only then can I decide what type of people I want in my life. There is this invisible rule book that most humans go by that creates a standard of  lifing and what majority of people  go by.  I see it everyday . Its like , go to school, find a mate, work,  get married get a mortgage and car payment , have some kids get old and die. 
The fragility of people sets in when those things are not of the heart's desire and its a constant tightrope balancing "act" to maintain a standard way of life. You're always on edge , always dissatisfied and frustrated. I'm so scared to live like that. I'm TERRIFIED to live a life devoid of splendor and pleasure just to fit the fukk in. I like unconventional people and think out side the box-ers . They excite my senses and intellect, they strengthen my zest to know. 

I have a lot of people who tell me I should speak to young people. I think  I will. It is so many weak fragile minded individuals bringing up children. I really think its cool that I don't have kids and people value my opinions about life so much they trust me with their offspring's thinking process! I am a motherless and fatherless self-taught rebel  that just so happened to be urban , alternative and left and right brained. I view the world as it should be and not how I want it to be. I't just doesn't make sense, and that's what happens to people. They live in a real life fairy-tale.

The harder life gets the more fragile the people are, I've been through so much that I can't even be fragile anymore. Being fragile is a state of mind , become unbreakable.

Gold Bird

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pretty Brown Girls

Its all in the eyes...

I work in a really cool salon with dope people and an unparalleled atmosphere. When I first started there, even being as outgoing and likable (lol) as I am, I was still a little nervous but whatever everything was good. It takes a lot to find a salon home. This is no ordinary salon though, it has perks that no other salon in the world has. 

We share a set of french doors with a bakery that sells some of thee most sinful pastries and hand crafted sammies. I've had many lunches and sugar laden things from Corey and Tess, but that's not the best thing in Roll-with -It Bakery. 

They have two daughters Julie and Maddie that I am watching grow up. Now at first they didn't care for me too much, I get it... I looked weird to them with my colored hair and piercings and such so they kinda steered clear. Here lately has been a different story. 

In between clients or whenever I'm free they have been like straight up coming for me. Its cool because I don't have little ones and I don't understand why they like me so much and they don't bother me. I know why grown people like me, its because I have something they want. These small people are different. Maddie doesnt really like me as much as Jules but she's coming Julie asks me cool questions, makes me watch Manah Manah  and Despicable Me on YouTube and eat popsicles. 

That's not the reason for this entry though. She keeps looking at my eyes and saying they're pretty. Now this is a child and is not old enough to understand auras and spirits and things of that nature, but she looks me dead smack in the eyes and talks to me. There's adults that cant even do that. I listen to her when she talks and the intelligence is very impressive. 

The eyes are definitely a window to the soul, a three year old has solidified a place in mine. I'ts crazy how people capture you and make you see things a bit differently, and usually its all in the eyes. She is not judging me, she doesn't know my financial status or anything else that adults let interfere with seeing the real you and I just think it dope. I've been gushing about this  because it just lights up my life to be viewed as beautiful in a child's eye.

Gold Bird

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The softer side of dying

I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of not being able to live any longer. Not being able to create , not being able to experience and learn forever. The physical death is something we all have to do whether we want to or not but I'm so gluttonous when it comes to absorbing life. 

I think that is the only real messed up thing about life is the fact that you go through it collecting spirits and harvesting memories and you don't get to have it forever. I don't care about dying , I'm just scared to be forgotten (another reason I started my blog) I want to be immortalized in all things I say or do. I want to affect people, I want to be legendary. It doesn't take discovering electricity or curing cancer to do so either. I hope to leave impressions and words of uplifting real shit behind. 

I talk and think about death a lot different than most people I know simply because I've experienced so much of it. The only connection I have to these people is memories or bits of info I needed to have from them in our time shared. I remember what they said  and in their voices. I don't like funerals because that's not the last memory I want of my loved ones. 

In my procession to another whatever happens when I kick the can I hope to have impacted so many people that I'll live forever in the thoughts and hearts of all who hold me dear. 

Gold Bird 

P.S  This entry sounds suicidal..lmao...I assure you it is not!! 
P.P.S Like my co-worker Miss. Norma says "I'm gonna live to be 100 years old and be killed by a jealous woman...!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Finding your Elephant

I was texting my sister this morning and since she's moved to what seems like the other side of the world, Our conversations have become more random and more memorable. She and my sister-in-law have been together for a decade and of course by it being Valentine's Day I was gloating on their love. I told her that I think it's sweet how Suzy still romances her after all these years, and she said she couldn't imagine herself with anyone else. 

Love like that lasts through many'a Valentine's Days, sick days I cant stand you sometimes but if anyone fukked with you I'd kill 'em days. It's very rare that people actually ever find their one true love. The one that lasts through EVERYTHING. That's my sister so I've been along for the ride. They are elephants. They have found their mate for life. It means a lot to be able to share every moment, every thought and idea with ONE PERSON.  

I think that the only way you'll ever find that is to be honest with yourself, honest with your mate and be able to love another human as much as you love yourself (that's deep). If I cant tell you everything. You're not my elephant. If you aren't willing to do the same. Not for me. I've seen these two go through things I may have walked out on, because I have. They are my favorite love to reference when I think of what I want in an elephant. 

I'ts Valentine's Day so Ive been a bit mushy all day, but for good reason. (wink). I can't think of a better couple to celebrate but my Sister and Suzy. 

If you have a giraffe or a pig, trade 'em in for an elephant. 

Gold Bird

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tracy's Baby

I look so much like my angers me that I didnt get to spend more time with her....But Im grateful that in that short amount of time, I learned a lot...She filled me with sooth and insight....I miss her everyday...but I always get to see her in my mannerisms. oh so famous F'Bombs and when I look in the mirror. ...Im Tracy's baby.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So I had ranted on Facebook about people not supporting and sharing local people who are trying to excel and it made me feel some type of way! (Insert ratchet neck roll) I felt that way because I have been doing many things in my fields (fashion, modeling, eyelashes and such) and I had noticed that the people I thought were in my corner and wanted me to succeed would help me along...Not true. So I wanted to highlight people who I admire and respect in my blog. From here on out I am going to try to bring y'all (I'm from the Midwest) a new face and a new grind every week.

First up is Miss. Amber Michelle Harper. I met her back in the summer after much contemplating on a septum piercing. I have several tattoos and piercings but had never had any work done by a female before and wanted to experience that. I had seen a photoshoot she had done with one of my really good friends Sharmaine "PBPIX" Cooper who yal will get to meet another day, so I contacted her via Facebook and the rest is "her"story. I have trusted her to pierce my body and she has now trusted me to tell a little of her story.
Ladies and Gents....

GB: How long have you been a professional piercer and what made you choose this career?

AMH: I have been a professional piercer for one year and two months (not including the time I spent in my apprenticeship). What got me into it was art. I've always been into all types of art, and the way being in the tattoo studio made me feel was motivating. I started drawing more and wanting to be around tattoo artists more so I began to search for piercing apprenticeships. I finally found one, after proving my dedication to learning an amazing piercer by the name of Bradd Collins took me in and showed me the ropes. I completely fell in love with everything about body modification.

GB: Are you originally from Indianapolis?

AMH: Yes I am.

GB:Who is your inspiration, and what keeps you going from day-to-day as an entrepreneur?

AMH: Freedom. Freedom is my undeniable passion. Creativity. My desire to give this world what I have. When I am not using my gifts or my talents I feel caged. There are so many things I that I can do, that my determination to show them each one of my capabilities wont allow me to keep still. I know that if I exist, I can do it. In addition, an incredible man that I know by the name of Amani Tre Niner. He has become like a Sensei to me. The respect his presence commands, and the undying commitment he puts into his crafts are extremely inspirational to me! He's like a master at everything! Lol, I swear his talents have no limits, he believes and supports me  unlike anyone I've known in this life of mine. So watching him create such phenomenal artwork and music , and work so hard to perfect everything he touches inspire me to be like that if not better. (If that's even

GB: I see you play guitar and sing. Do you have any shows coming up that you'd like to tell my readers about?
AMH: YES! My first love is music. Sometimes I feel like God created a liquid form of music, put it in my veins and called it "blood". Music is MINE. What I mean by that is , music is my art. It is whatever I want it to be, however I want it to sound and feel. I can play my guitar and sing a song that takes you to whatever you're feeling or atmosphere I want you to be in. Self expression is HUGE to me, and to be able to do that by crating a bunch of different sounds where there was nothing before, and share that with people, AND they just so happen to enjoy it? That's amazing. To answer your question (sorry,lol), yes! I have a show coming up February 16th at the Caribbean Village.

GB: If you could meet anyone , dead or alive and have an hour conversation with them... Who would that be?

AMH: I was going to say a very famous producer, but I'm sure I will get that opportunity in time... so Im going to say my grandmother, my fathers mother. She passed when I was nine years old so I wasn't around her a lot, so I haven't very many memories. I hear that she was a very wise and loving woman!

GB: What do you want people to remember about AMH once she leaves this earth?

AMH: My heart, and my voice.

Well there you have it guys , the lovely and talented Amber Michelle Harper. She can be found at Body Animations 6729 E. 38th Street Indianapolis , Indiana 46226
On Facebook :Amber Michelle Harper
On Instagram: @iam_amichelle
Phone/ Text: 317-918-9003

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I get weird sometimes...

I dont know when or why....But yeah...I paid .59 for this 100% suede trapper hat....Im a thrifting guru....I need to write bout that!

Urban Warfare, the expiration of the Black Male

Everyday I log on to my Facebook and see R.I.P to someone. Now these "someones" I rarely know by face and some I know from passing. Its sad because maybe they were gonna be someone I'd recognize, or be someone great or maybe not. I just know that the crimes more senseless by the day.  Now if you look at someone wrong or embarrass a person in front of their peers its a death sentence. I have brothers , cousins and a nephew that I worry about constantly.

 I see the pics of these young men and sometimes women with their babies and wifeys and its like they really didn't even get to enjoy it. Most people will say that because of the lifestyle they live you should just expect them to expire before twenty-five. No one says that about eighteen year olds fighting in wars , killing innocent women and children.

I'm scared for the generations that I wont get to see. They are doomed, especially the black male. They know nothing but "Pride" and it always comes before destruction. No one is talking to them or listening for that matter. We are eradicating our most sought after resource: Life Makers. The black men don't even know how priceless they are because no one tells them so, no one convinces them that they are great! We need more black men giving examples instead of turning the other cheek and filling their closets with shirts with their nephews, friends and sons.  Say something! Do Something! Help these young men help themselves, Spend time with them if you know their own Dads aren't present.  Help preserve us.

If they only knew what they're doing to their mothers, sisters and all of the women who love them. The babies are being orphaned before they even learn Daddy's real name. The only memory they will have of them is what people can tell them, if they can remember. Mothers and Fathers are not supposed to out live their children, ITS UN NATURAL. I wish there were more people willing to reach out and help.

I might get to see it I might not but I will be more than ecstatic to scroll through my newsfeed and not see another child being laid to rest.

Gold Bird

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tales Of Taurus: Intimacy is not always about sex Retards....

Tales Of Taurus: Intimacy is not always about sex Retards....: Being close with someone, understanding their silence finding comfort in their noise and salvation in their arms. That's what intimacy ...

Intimacy is not always about sex Retards....

Being close with someone, understanding their silence finding comfort in their noise and salvation in their arms. That's what intimacy means to me. I know a lot of un-educated folk hear the word and think of unguided neck kisses and wet panties but that's not even an iota of what intimacy is. 
In this new age of everything being  ready 24\7 we forget the longing for another human being because all we have to do is open up Instagram or Facebook and there they are. You don't get to use your imagination when envisioning their face because there's eight hundred pics of them right there. You don't get to wonder what they're thinking because they've already told three thousand other people already. There's no intimacy between friends, co-workers or associates because everyone is so disconnected. Hugs are replaced with emojis , kisses replaced with X's and O's and people don't seem to miss it, I love a good cuddle and close faced talking and sharing of thoughts (real thoughts). It just doesn't seem feasible these days.
The kids are so brazen, so rough and un-scathed by anything because they lack the intimacy needed to build strong and meaningful relationships. They just don't give a fuck. People are so scared to open up to anybody because when you do you become a facebook post or subliminal meme to people. It almost seems as if everyone is being used as jesters these days and not humans with a core. I hope one day we can get back to needing each other, to not only wanting to cuddle when it snows or rains and just be there for each other in the moment for what its worth.

Gold Bird