Thursday, September 25, 2014


Its funny how things go. I swear I know how to get around my city, and last night when my GPS was spazzin and I couldn't find Latitude 39 by sight (and wouldn't have had I not restarted my phone) I got super frustrated because I was on a mission to get some audiodope. I went the wrong way twice. I found it after saying I was just gonna go back home, but I had to be there, for my homie AMH and myself. I have been to open mics and poetry slams before but when I walked in here something was different.

 The air was light and fresh but the content floating in the air was heavy. I seen so many familiar faces greeted them all with smiles and hugs. Wait a minute I thought " I'm at home, I know almost all of these people and I have for years." Everyone there was an artist in some form or an art lover in the only form. I stood in the back and watched people file in greeted more kindred family and immediately got mad at myself for not finishing my piece to perform, eventhough I probably would pass out when I got on

Facebook friends that I didnt know were going to be there performed,  Krystal Tibbs Ahmad Rahsan Lisa Devon G ,  Comedian Jay Scott ,Tiffany Nichole brought some hot shit ,Amani Tre Niner dropped a gem and Miss Gabby.... Miss Gabby brought an uprising over the crowd with her colossal deliverance of sidepiece 101. There were singers and comedians and even a trumpet player. I was kind of upset that I only paid fiv bones to get in because it was truly a mind massage, and heart palpitating evening. 

 Now I had a lot of people asking me if I was going to do something,  and as bad as I wanted to get up there I just have to grow some balls first! I have never actually tried now that I think of it so I'm definitely going to give it a whirl. I love being a spectator and playing the background but It may be time to let people see yet another side of me. 

Gold Bird