Sunday, March 30, 2014


My Birthday is May 20th and I am having mixed feelings about it. I am old enough to be happy about making it here, but young enough to feel sad about not being a "baby" anymore as my co-workers say. I'm at a point where I can honestly say I know what I want. In my career, in my love life and in my spiritual life. I remember being eighteen and not having a fuckkin clue. I'm glad to be aging. (I'm going to stop saying getting old). 

There is nothing more unbecoming than a woman that is not her age, maturity wise. Knowing when you're wrong and understanding why someone else can be right sometimes Understanding your feelings and taking control of them comes with age as well as I am learning.  Being able to read people better , find out fake shit as soon as possible, you don't need that in your aging life. 

People who mean you no good but are around for personal gain, now if they fully disclose what they want to gain beforehand, that's different. The more I age the more honesty becomes like finding truffles in the forest. I respect honest people they make me feel like I'm not the only unicorn left. I seek these people out, I love them and they don't even know it. I have a special affinity for people who let you read their minds by telling you whats on it. 

I don't want to be the old broad in the club looking like I'm still bored with life at 40+ looking the fool. I want to be 40+ and looking like Angela Bassett or Sade, just the embodiment of grace and successful aging. I want to leave my smear on the glass of life as I am a full bodied glass of 1985 Bordeaux.

Gold Bird

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tales Of Taurus: Karma is not a bitch, she's just real

Tales Of Taurus: Karma is not a bitch, she's just real:  We spend our whole lives making decisions and questioning ourselves, and others. In the decision making process usually something  is favo...

Karma is not a bitch, she's just real

 We spend our whole lives making decisions and questioning ourselves, and others. In the decision making process usually something  is favorable (right) and something is unfavorable (wrong). Now here is where shit gets tricky because you have to choose, and you will. EVERYBODY has done wrong and right, and if you disagree, you're dumber than you should be. 

If you really look at how things go down in your life, you can see a pattern. If you have ever schemed on someone, you eventually get hit with a scheme too...Maybe in a major way, maybe not but the universe sees EVERYTHING. It works that way for doing good things too. I have been on both sides of the fence and I am not exempt, but whenever shit happens to me I usually know why. I did something similar to someone or I helped a complete stranger , but Karma makes sure I know whats real. 

I think because so many people already have preconceived notions about life they can't really form their own opinions and map out their own lives , they cant see this aspect of life. They're always confused about why things are fucked up or why they are good. I don't think people are victims of circumstance but receivers of the same types of energy they expel. 

The older I get the less I feel that my life is ONLY about me. I know that I come in contact with lots of people and because of that I need to be the energy I want to receive. People are not in tune with with themselves, not thinking clearly, and higher. The playing field is too leveled, to even, (mentally) . I'm on an elite squad when it comes to mental ability I may not be the most tangibly rich but I'm wealthy in other areas. I'm Karmatically rich. 

Do what you love and like, but if its on the wrong , unfavorable, low-down and dirty side; know for a fact its coming back. If you're like me and have had your fair share of bullshit form doing bullshit, think fifty steps ahead. and make a decision. 

Gold Bird

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Even when you don't

I think its a wonderful thing to be able to remember your sleeping life, also known as a dream. Even if you only remember bits and pieces or one significant detail, it can be interpreted if you can recall. I was on Facebook talking to a cousin of mine one morning and he introduced me to a website, and what seemed to be out of place symbols and awkward scenarios  started to be clear, crystal clear. 

I was compelled to write a blog after last night's sleeping lesson, I seen a gorilla in it. Cant really remember why but a majestic primate is all I remember. I always go immediately to the site so I wont lose my symbol. The website said " To see a gorilla suggests that you may be "to over the top" in your behavior. Perhaps you are compensating for your rigidity and stiffness in your waking life. Alternatively , the gorilla symbolizes your primitive impulses, wild nature and repressed sexual energy." Now I know me and that was dead on. I have used this website every since he mentioned it. It has cleared up a lot of "odd" dreams for me and helped me alter my course if need be or an intangible pat on the back. 

We often wonder why we do the things we do. Why we think things but don't say it and other subconscious cerebral functions that feel embedded and not learned. Its because the brain is a map, a scavenger hunt, a smorgasbord of puzzle pieces to help you navigate through life. I feel like the gorilla interpretation was much needed right now because I am rigid and stiff sometimes and that needs to change. The second half of the interpretation, well....Yeah. Lol!

I hope that anyone who reads this entry will utilize the website at least once to see how it can help, because we all need that from time to time. Don't stress about remembering the whole dream just whatever sticks out. Let me know in a comment if you were floored like I was my first time interpreting. I have tried other dream books and this one is the best. If I wasn't so thrifty I would order the book, (Its $29)  to have it handy by my bedside. I need all the help I can get free of charge! 

Gold Bird

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Society Driven Livin'

The funny thing about life is that you have no idea what's going to happen.. Ever? You can plan and plan , and things can still turn out differently. Its just the way it works. There are these imaginary rules set forth by your predecessors and others trying to show you the way, but what if that way is disagreeable with what your soul wants , it will be a miserable life. I see people who want to go left when society says right and they would rather live unhappily before they disappoint society. Everything isn't for everybody that's why we all have choices and a myriad of avenues we could take. Owning a home isn't for everyone, some people i.e Yours Truly would rather have someone else pay for broken down water heaters , and someone else shovel my walk.

Tieing the knot isn't for everyone. People figure that if you get married it places some  kind of force field around the love that was present before the rings. I want to find a mate to be with forever, don't get it twisted, but I don't want to legally share someone elses life. Everyone has their views about it, that's just mine. Why do I need to sign ownership papers just to love someone infinitely? Some people feel its the highest rank in the love "army" , and who doesn't like to be on top?

Consumerism...Status Rank...keeping up with the Jonses... Yall know the name of the game. Now I like my fair share of fancy shit and name brand goods, but I'm a thrifter so that's how I get my fix without breaking the bank. I also feel like I don't have to have everything, just what I want. There is a serious issue with folks who can barely comprehend the English language  and basic conversation  but are cloaked in $500 coats and shoes. The truly wealthy and logical people know how to avoid society driven livin'. They make investments and sow seeds of financial independence in order to instill those values in their children. Buying useless shit to impress people who don't care.

In closing, you have to do what you to keep those smiles coming and genuine.Fuck society, people are not gonna sustain from doing what they like to appease you. Remember that. Do as you please and when you clock out of here know that you milked it and held the cup.

Gold Bird

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Out like a lion in like a fashionably conscious lamb

So Spring is upon us and so is fashion fuck ups because everyone has been covered up so long, but aye look here, I think I'm a good source for fashion advice. I'm a thrifting guru, I'm brutally honest and I can dress any size and any age. I can make over an entire wardbrobe with the right amount of time and minimal loot, I can make it happen. 

First of all, It all starts with confidence. Winter has had the Midwest all kinds of messy and stuck in the house eating and being  really relaxed. When I say relaxed  I mean putting on a few pounds, but whatever.. Ok that's not really whats important. This fashion is. Ok. Determine how you want to introduce a new look into your life. If youve always zigged... zag this time. Nothing makes you feel better than change. 

Get staple pieces in your wardrobe that can be done in a myriad of ways all throughout the spring and summer.Good Blazers in a perfect cut for your shape can take any basic look to a crisp and polished look... Even a maxi dress. Lots of  sunglasses, thats all year round but especially when the sun is coming out more, look sassy and protect those peepers.

Ok now, we all see it..lets speak on it. High-waisted anything and a crop top.... now I know its a very popular look right now , but it aint for everybody. If youre built like a glowworm or a half squeezed tube of toothpaste , leave that one alone, Im sorry love its just not happening.

I know that trendy shit is what people like , so thats what people flock to, but really shouldnt. Victoria Secret Jogging suiits are not clothes, just like pajamas arent.... That shit is uber tacky to me. So stop rolling up in the club in jogging suits and gym shoes, be a girl. 

I'll get off the girls for a second and address some of the things men shouldnt be doing this Spring and Summer either. Nappy deads, too tight clothes, too loose clothes and last but not least sagging. Its over for that shit. Pull your pants up or  be forever labeled as a loser, IJS. 

Last but not least ladies you should take some self-respect into Spring in Summer. It wears well and looks good on everybody. Definitely incorporate it into your wardrobe